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Updated: December 15th, 2022

Getting your dream job in Canada is within reach with the right guidance and information.

Industry-specific job listing websites

If you are interested in a specific job industry, these websites will help you find the right job for your specific skill set. Read more...

General job listing websites

There are many job search engines available in Canada. Finding the most trustworthy and helpful sites can be challenging, however, we have highlighted the top global and local sites to narrow the search. Read more...

Youth job listing websites

Students and recent graduates can find many opportunities in their field of interest. Read more...

Resume writing

Canadian resumes are written differently to those in other countries. Find out how to write a compelling resume that will help you land the job. Read more...

Job applications

What should you expect when moving to Canada to start your new job? Read more...

Cover letter

Many applicants do not see the purpose in writing a cover letter, but this crucial piece of writing can convince an employer of your suitability for the position. Find out how to write a great cover letter. Read more...

Interview questions

There are often a few select interview questions that recruiters and employers tend to ask. Be prepared to answer these questions and you will impress the interviewer in no time. Read more...

Salary Negotiation

Learning the art of salary negotiation can be crucial when you receive a job offer. There are tactical ways of approaching this often daunting task. Read more...

Facts about working in Canada

Like every country, there are specific rules and ways of conducting yourself at work. Find out how offices operate in Canada. Read more...

Job skills

Are you looking to improve your job skills or learn something new? There are many free and private classes available in your neighborhood. Read more...

How to perform well at work

Once you have landed the job, the challenge will be to work hard and keep the job. Find out how you can do just that. Read more...

Worker rights

Working in any type of industry in Canada means that you will need to know your rights. There is legislation in place to protect the rights of the worker and the employer. Read more...

Health and Safety

Protecting Canadian residents in the work place is of utmost importance in Canada. Find out your rights. Read more...

Canadian employers

In Canada, there are many more necessary requirements that Canadian employers often look for in their employees and applicants. Experience, skills and qualifications all play a role. Read more...

Professional Immigrant Networks

If you need career support and guidance when you arrive in Canada, you can visit a PIN (Professional Immigrant Network) where you will be connected with members of the community. Read more...

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