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الحياة في كندا

جرب كل شيء

Canadian Media

وسائل الإعلام الكندية


كندا هي موطن لمحطات تلفزيونية غنية بالمعلومات وتعليمية وترفيهية تبث باللغتين الإنجليزية والفرنسية. تعرف على محطات التليفزيون المتاحة في كندا.


يوجد في كندا عدد من المحطات الإذاعية الخاصة والعامة العاملة في جميع أنحاء البلاد. كدولة تمارس حرية الصحافة ، فأنت تريد أن تفتقر إلى البرامج الإعلامية.

اقرأ المزيد على وسائل الإعلام


إجمالي الناتج المحلي

1.76 تريليون دولار

الناتج المحلي الإجمالي للفرد الواحد


الزيادة في الناتج المحلي


حرية العمل


الحرية المالية


درجة الحرية الاقتصادية


الاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر

33.7 مليار دولار

حرية التجارة


اقرأ المزيد عن الاقتصاد


Many people find that the cost of living in Canada is much lower than that in their home country. The housing costs can be much cheaper, when compared with other countries. People who want to relocate to Canada and purchase property will find that they can get more value for their money here.

Mercer's 2011 survey of expatriate living costs shows that the city of Toronto (59) overtook Vancouver (65) to become the most expensive Canadian city, followed by Montreal (79) and Calgary (96). Ranking at 114th, Ottawa is the least expensive city to live in Canada.

For more information, you will need to compare the cost of living in your home country, with that of popular Canadian cities. You can check out our relocation guides for more information. It contains a full sample costing for all popular goods and services in cities throughout the world.

In Canada, any discrimination on religious backgrounds is strongly condemned and is against the law. As a person living in Canada, you have the right to observe the religious beliefs of your choice. However, it seizes to be your right if it infringes with other’s rights or is considered as a health or safety risk.

In effect, these religious rights are protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as stipulated in the country's constitution.

Multicultural Canada is focused on ensuring that all religions and beliefs are celebrated and represented in their communities. There many associations, Mosques, Sikhs, churches and chapels across Canada, with most of them encouraging community outreach and hosting social events.

There are many ways of finding a place to worship in your area. Many television programs and radio stations are dedicated to different religions, and provide up-to-date information on upcoming cultural events. You can find this information in your local television listings.

There are many publications that celebrate your unique culture and beliefs, so have a look at your local listings and you may find that there is information about finding a place of worship.

Meeting new people in your neighbourhood can help you in deciding where you want to worship.

The Canadian government have demonstrated a willingness to employ foreign workers, and have historically been quick to recognize that skilled immigrants are important to the growth of the Canadian economy. Which is why programs like Express Entry have been so popular with immigrants.

The majority of expats living in Canada find work through insurance, catering or production industries, and there tends to be a good availability of office jobs (administration, clerks etc) for expats.

In the past Canada has suffered from a deficit of skilled engineering candidates, and for this reason expats who work in the field of project management, process and engineering are in high demand in Canada.

The unemployment rate in Canada, as of September 2009, was 8.4%. At present the country is experiencing a shortage in positions for students, but rises are being observed in the retail and wholesale trade sectors.

Canada’s “universal” health-care system is a little less universal when it comes to immigrants.

All Canadian citizens and permanent residents are eligible for public health insurance, which covers most medical issues. Newcomers to Canada, however, may not have the same access to services.

The Canada Health Act says all insured persons are entitled to the insured benefits offered within that province. “Insured persons” are lawful residents who have lived in the province for three months and live there for at least 183 days a year. Tourists, visitors, and “transients” are excluded, and may have to have their own form of health insurance.

For newcomers, the level of coverage depends on your immigration status. Generally speaking, immigrants have limited access to free medical care, and will likely have to pay for some treatments or insurance.

The provinces and territories offer free emergency medical services, but some restrictions may apply.

The Canadian economy’s recovery from recession has had wide-ranging impact on domestic industries over the past five years. The ten fastest-growing industries over the past five years are measured by average growth in sales per year, and feature industries from a variety of sectors, including:

  • Heavy manufacturing;
  • Wholesaling; and
  • Professional business services

While each industry showed strong revenue growth, some have experienced huge growth while others have grown due to more secular trends. For example, the Nonferrous Metal Foundry Products Manufacturing industry has merely recovered from poor performance during the economic downturn and is unlikely to reach its previous revenue levels. In contrast, up-and-coming industries, such as recycling facilities, have flourished due to longer-term shifts in consumer preferences. Similarly, industries such as fertilizer manufacturing have experienced wildly fluctuating demand, while others, such as the Beauty, Cosmetics and Fragrance Stores industry, have grown steadily over the five-year period.

However here are five industries that make Canada a global economic giant:

  • Manufacturing;
  • Oil;
  • Tourism and hospitality;
  • Gas;
  • Banking and Finance

Many people find that the cost of living in Canada is much lower than that in their home country. The housing costs can be much cheaper, when compared with other countries. People who want to relocate to Canada and purchase property will find that they can get more value for their money here.

Mercer's 2011 survey of expatriate living costs shows that the city of Toronto (59) overtook Vancouver (65) to become the most expensive Canadian city, followed by Montreal (79) and Calgary (96). Ranking at 114th, Ottawa is the least expensive city to live in Canada.

For more information, you will need to compare the cost of living in your home country, with that of popular Canadian cities. You can check out our relocation guides for more information. It contains a full sample costing for all popular goods and services in cities throughout the world.

In Canada, any discrimination on religious backgrounds is strongly condemned and is against the law. As a person living in Canada, you have the right to observe the religious beliefs of your choice. However, it seizes to be your right if it infringes with other’s rights or is considered as a health or safety risk.

In effect, these religious rights are protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as stipulated in the country's constitution.

Multicultural Canada is focused on ensuring that all religions and beliefs are celebrated and represented in their communities. There many associations, Mosques, Sikhs, churches and chapels across Canada, with most of them encouraging community outreach and hosting social events.

There are many ways of finding a place to worship in your area. Many television programs and radio stations are dedicated to different religions, and provide up-to-date information on upcoming cultural events. You can find this information in your local television listings.

There are many publications that celebrate your unique culture and beliefs, so have a look at your local listings and you may find that there is information about finding a place of worship.

Meeting new people in your neighbourhood can help you in deciding where you want to worship.

The Canadian government have demonstrated a willingness to employ foreign workers, and have historically been quick to recognize that skilled immigrants are important to the growth of the Canadian economy. Which is why programs like Express Entry have been so popular with immigrants.

The majority of expats living in Canada find work through insurance, catering or production industries, and there tends to be a good availability of office jobs (administration, clerks etc) for expats.

In the past Canada has suffered from a deficit of skilled engineering candidates, and for this reason expats who work in the field of project management, process and engineering are in high demand in Canada.

The unemployment rate in Canada, as of September 2009, was 8.4%. At present the country is experiencing a shortage in positions for students, but rises are being observed in the retail and wholesale trade sectors.

Canada’s “universal” health-care system is a little less universal when it comes to immigrants.

All Canadian citizens and permanent residents are eligible for public health insurance, which covers most medical issues. Newcomers to Canada, however, may not have the same access to services.

The Canada Health Act says all insured persons are entitled to the insured benefits offered within that province. “Insured persons” are lawful residents who have lived in the province for three months and live there for at least 183 days a year. Tourists, visitors, and “transients” are excluded, and may have to have their own form of health insurance.

For newcomers, the level of coverage depends on your immigration status. Generally speaking, immigrants have limited access to free medical care, and will likely have to pay for some treatments or insurance.

The provinces and territories offer free emergency medical services, but some restrictions may apply.

The Canadian economy’s recovery from recession has had wide-ranging impact on domestic industries over the past five years. The ten fastest-growing industries over the past five years are measured by average growth in sales per year, and feature industries from a variety of sectors, including:

  • Heavy manufacturing;
  • Wholesaling; and
  • Professional business services

While each industry showed strong revenue growth, some have experienced huge growth while others have grown due to more secular trends. For example, the Nonferrous Metal Foundry Products Manufacturing industry has merely recovered from poor performance during the economic downturn and is unlikely to reach its previous revenue levels. In contrast, up-and-coming industries, such as recycling facilities, have flourished due to longer-term shifts in consumer preferences. Similarly, industries such as fertilizer manufacturing have experienced wildly fluctuating demand, while others, such as the Beauty, Cosmetics and Fragrance Stores industry, have grown steadily over the five-year period.

However here are five industries that make Canada a global economic giant:

  • Manufacturing;
  • Oil;
  • Tourism and hospitality;
  • Gas;
  • Banking and Finance

الأنشطة في الهواء الطلق

البرامج الصيفية

يحب الكنديون الهواء الطلق ، وفي الصيف تستمتع ببعض من أفضل البرامج الصيفية التي تلبي احتياجات الأشخاص من مختلف الأعمار. تعرف على كيفية الوصول إلى أفضل المعسكرات الصيفية في أكبر مدن كندا بما في ذلك تورنتو وأوتاوا وفانكوفر على سبيل المثال لا الحصر.

المتنزهات الوطنية

كندا ، الشمال الأبيض العظيم ، بلد ضخم بشكل مثير للإعجاب مع مساحات شاسعة من الحياة البرية مثل حديقة بانف الوطنية المليئة بالبحيرة في أعالي جبال روكي. تعد المتنزهات الوطنية في كندا مصدر فخر للكنديين.

حديقة بانف الوطنية

تمتد حديقة بانف الوطنية على مساحة 6641 كيلومترًا مربعًا ، وهي من أجمل المناظر الجبلية الواقعة في جبال روكي. إنها ليست أقدم حديقة وطنية في كندا فحسب ، بل إنها توفر أيضًا تجربة رائعة وأجواء عائلية مذهلة لمحبي الطبيعة.

حديقة فوندي الوطنية

يقع Fundy National Park في مكان مثالي على خليج Fundy ، ويوفر خطوطًا ساحلية مثيرة للمشي لمسافات طويلة وشلالات خلابة مع مناطق ذات أهمية طبيعية غير عادية لجميع زوارها.

هل تريد معرفة المزيد عن كندا؟ اشترك في النشرة الإخبارية لدينا واحصل على كتاب إلكتروني عن الهجرة الكندية مليء بالمناظر الساحرة في كندا!

يرجى إدخال رقم هاتف صالح. هو وكيل هجرة خاص معترف به ولا ينتمي إلى الحكومة الكندية.
سياسة الخصوصية