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Canadian IELTS Preparation Course

Updated: December 11th, 2023

Improve Your Chances to Move To Canada

With Our Advanced IELTS Preparation Course

Start today for only $1500!

To be allowed to work, study or live in Canada, you will likely need to prove your ability in one of Canada's official languages. As English in Canada is an official language, English language speakers can demonstrate their Canadian language skills via the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP). If you need clarification on how each test works and which one to take, this breakdown of CELPIP vs IELTS will give you a clear idea.

However, we at CanadianVisa have found over our collective years of immigration experience that our clients tend to prefer IELTS as it allows for a greater breadth of opportunity both within and outside Canada due to its international recognition and incredibly high standards.

As a result of this high demand, we have created an IELTS preparation course to help you get the most out of your IELTS exam. Navigating the path to working, studying, or living in Canada requires more than just a desire—it demands proficiency in one of the country's official languages.

This journey toward language proficiency is not merely a prerequisite; it's the gateway to unlocking a world of opportunities in the vibrant tapestry of Canada.

What is IELTS?

What is IELTS?

IELTS, or the International English Language Testing System, is a globally recognized assessment developed collaboratively by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia, and Cambridge English. Its primary purpose is to evaluate one's proficiency in the English language.

Recognized Globally for Testing English Language Skills

IELTS isn't just any language test—it's a heavyweight champion acknowledged worldwide. Whether you're eyeing Canada, Australia, the United States, or the United Kingdom, IELTS is the go-to assessment to demonstrate your English language capabilities.

Why Take IELTS?

If you're considering Canada for immigration, academic pursuits, or employment, IELTS is your golden ticket. It serves as a Canadian Language Benchmark test, a measure that immigration programs, universities, and employers rely on to gauge your English language proficiency.

Essential for Immigration, Academic, and Employment Purposes

In the Canadian landscape, IELTS isn't just a formality; it's a necessity. Whether you're seeking to call Canada home, pursuing higher education, or venturing into the job market, proving your English language proficiency through IELTS is an essential step in your journey. It's the key that unlocks doors to new opportunities in the Great White North.

IELTS Test Structure

IELTS Test Structure

When it comes to the IELTS test, understanding its structure is paramount. There are two types of tests: IELTS General Training and IELTS Academic. Let's delve into the structure, with a focus on the IELTS General Training, particularly tailored for immigration purposes.

Test Section   Duration Structure Objectives
Listening      20 minutes Listen to 4 recordings and answer ten questions on each recording. Test ability to answer multiple choice questions,
match categories,
label based on spoken instruction,
complete sentences,
and answer short questions.
Reading        20 minutes Read a short, a mid-length, and a long text and answer questions based on each text. Test ability to answer multiple choice questions,
identify views or claims,
matching headings,
sentences and features to a specific text,
completing sentences,
and answering short questions.
Writing          20 minutes Given two writing tasks:
a personal response to a provided text
and a discursive essay where the applicant must create and structure a coherent argument.
Test ability to complete a task in English,
respond effectively to a brief,
be coherent and cohesive in English,
utilize a vast English vocabulary, and use grammar correctly.
Speaking       20 minutes Three tasks: an interview, a speech, and a discussion. Test fluency and coherence,
vocabulary, grammatical skills, and
pronunciation of English words.

What's in Our IELTS Course?

Our IELTS preparation course, developed by Conley University, is a tailored program aimed at significantly enhancing both your IELTS score and primary language skills. This comprehensive course is designed to ensure applicants not only excel in the IELTS exam but also possess the language abilities to thrive in Canadian society, even when engaging with native English speakers.

The university conducts individual assessments, grouping applicants based on their English language abilities to provide personalized support.

Our IELTS preparation course, spanning ten weeks with ten modules, is crafted to prepare applicants specifically for the IELTS General Training test. Here's what the course entails:

  • Ten modules, covering listening, reading, writing, and speaking
  • A complete test overview
  • A full breakdown of the test format
  • A thorough explanation of all IELTS questions and how to answer them
  • Practice exercises, including seven essays, four letters, seven listening exercises, seven reading exercises, two grammar exercises, and seven quizzes
  • A clear list of do's and don'ts to maximize your scores on test day

Applicants are required to achieve over 75% to successfully complete the course, equipping them to attain a high band score in the IELTS exam.

Benefits of the IELTS Course

Benefits of the IELTS Course

Our IELTS course offers a myriad of benefits that can significantly impact your IELTS score, creating avenues for exceptional opportunities in Canada. Here's how our course can help you:

For Writing

This course instructs you on writing long-form English texts like essays and letters that stand out. With multiple exercises, you'll learn effective task planning, vocabulary enhancement, grammatical skills, cohesion, coherence, and appropriate task response. Writing tasks are abundant to ensure ample practice in English writing.

For Reading

Throughout the course, you'll develop crucial reading skills such as skim reading and scanning for details, along with essential test-related skills like time management. Multiple mock tests will ensure efficient comprehension of written texts and understanding the information and intention within an English text.

For Speaking

In this section, you'll hone your public speaking skills, understanding the significance of body language and its impact on your final impression. Effective answering techniques will be taught, accompanied by multiple practice examples. The course includes exercises to improve fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary, and spoken grammar.


What is a Good IELTS Score?

A good IELTS score is a score that will get you into the program or occupation you're aiming for. The best way to determine if your IELTS score is good enough for your program is to convert it with a Canadian Language Benchmark Test. This works as follows:

CLB Level Reading Writing Listening Speaking
10 8.0 7.5 8.5 7.5
9 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.0
8 6.5 6.5 7.5 6.5
7 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
6 5.0 5.5 5.5 5.5
5 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
4 3.5 4.0 4.5 4.0

Are There Any Other English Language Tests for Canadian Immigration?

Aside from the CELPIP, as mentioned above, which is a good resource for Canadian English but has limitations outside of Canada, one other test has been recently announced. However, this test is yet to be unveiled and is currently not used for immigration purposes.

Can I Move to Canada Without IELTS?

Yes, but only via a few specific ways. Find out how you can move to Canada without IELTS here.

If you're looking to move to any of Canada's provinces, from British Columbia to Prince Edward Island, being able to function effectively as part of the Canadian population is now within your grasp. Our IELTS course can give you all the resources you need to ensure you get the score your program or school requires. Start your IELTS course below.

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