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How to Find a Job in Canada

Updated: March 27th, 2023

Finding a job in Canada is one of the primary motivations behind many immigrants' decisions to move to Canada. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) being aware of this, has many immigration programs that cater to economic migrants.

However, while Federal Economic Immigration programs such as the Express Entry systems Federal Skilled Trades Programs (FSTP) and Federal Skilled Workers Programs (FSWP) allow eligible migrants with the proper work experience and skills to immigrate to Canada, the responsibility of finding once they have successfully moved to Canada still lies with the migrants.

Due to this, one of the most frequently requested services by prospective immigrants patronizing CanadianVisa is finding a job in Canada. As a form of service provision to this request, frequently liaises with its Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCIC), the IRCC, and several trusted online Canadian job sites to formulate the best ways to find a job in Canada.

Finding the Best Jobs in Canada

Finding the best jobs in Canada

There has never been a more opportune time to find a job in Canada. Having weathered the COVID-19 pandemic's economic storm and emerged from it reasonably unscathed, the resilient Canadian economy has been bolstered and buffeted by the Canadian government's plans to add almost a million jobs to the Canadian economy every year.

The following is a list of some of the best ways to find a job in Canada.

Step 1: Get Accredited to Work in Canada

Get accredited references

Getting your foreign credentials recognized may not be enough to work in a regulated occupation in Canada. You must also acquire the proper certification before employers legally hire you.

The license or certification will be issued by the provincial or federal authority that governs your occupation. Most legal, medical, and trade occupations are regulated in Canada. The process can be lengthy, so be prepared. Learn more about working in a regulated occupation in Canada here.

Step 2: Apply to Jobs With a Canadian Style Resume and Cover Letter

Apply to Canadain jobs

The following presents a map of Canada's provinces and a brief overview of some of the in-demand occupations in each.


A well-written resume with information about your employment history that employers want to know and presented in a scannable format is the key to securing a job in Canada. Conversely, a poorly-written resume can have the opposite effect and be the very reason why your job application is rejected. Too often, job seekers highlight duties instead of accomplishments.

First, you should adapt your resume to the Canadian format and translate it to English or French if needed. Don't forget to support your resume with a targeted cover letter for each job you apply for in Canada.

A cover letter is a one-page document that expands on the achievements listed in your resume, showcases your personality, and motivates why you'd be an excellent fit for the job. A cover letter is critical to secure employment in Canada as a foreigner.

Step 3: Is Your Online Reputation Respectable?

Is your online reputation respectable

Don't be surprised if the hiring manager checks your social media profiles. Your Facebook and Instagram can reveal much about you before you've even had your first interview. Remove profanity, 'adult,' and drug-related content, and clean up your grammar and spelling.

Also, include a (live) link to your LinkedIn profile on your resume; if you don't have a profile on LinkedIn, we highly suggest you create one! A LinkedIn profile adds authenticity to your professional brand and reveals additional information about your work experience and skills through endorsements from people you've worked with.

Step 4: Get Your References Together

get your references together

Following an interview, you'll be asked for a list of references for the job you're applying for. Strong references like your previous bosses, managers, co-workers, and professors who can verify your employment history and vouch for your work ethic can make it easier for you to secure a job in Canada.

Step 5: Enlist the Help of Professionals

Enlist the help of professionals

You can search for jobs on Indeed, Monster, and Jobbo, but a little help goes a long way. Whether you have specialized skills or are specifically looking for jobs in Vancouver or teaching jobs in Alberta, enlisting a recruitment agency can significantly increase your chances of success.

Recruitment agencies in Canada know the employment landscape and have good relationships with many employers. As a candidate, you will receive feedback on your application and how to improve yourself. As well they'll always help with whatever queries you may have. So whether it's about your resume or interview questions, your recruiter will be there to guide you.

Step 6: Search for Jobs in the Right Places

search for jobs in the right places

Canada is a big country. It's so large that industries can differ widely from province to province. So it's essential to research before you move to Canada to ensure you settle in the right place filled with ample job opportunities in your field.

For example, if you're a software developer, your best bet to find technology and IT jobs in Canada is in Ontario, Quebec, and British Columbia. These provinces are home to the country's largest cities with leading tech companies. Find out more about the key industries in Canada.

Searching for jobs in the right place is not that hard with the help of the in-demand occupations lists published by 11 of Canada's 13 provinces and territories each year. These lists share Canada's labor and skills shortages and are directly connected to provincial nomination programs. Knowing where your job is in-demand can narrow down your job search.

Step 7: Get Busy Networking

get busy networking

With large networking sites such as LinkedIn, Valence, and Xing, it has never been easier to network and build business relationships, whether inside or outside Canada. You can also speak to occupational groups and ask for advice and help.

You might discover, for example, that a mutual contact runs HR at a company in Toronto and can facilitate a conversation with the hiring manager. If you're already authorized to come to Canada or if you're a newcomer in Canada, then you can join immigrant ex-pat groups or find your nearest employment service center that can assist you with job search techniques such as mock interviews, identifying your skills, resume writing, and so much more.

Step 8: Research Companies in Canada

research companies in canada

Not sure where to start? A public library card will give you access to an online Scott's Directories database with thousands of Canadian companies and up-to-date contact information. You can search companies in Canada in every industry, including marketing, construction, manufacturing, and many more.

Be proactive and use the information to contact companies via email or call them to find out if they have any job vacancies. However, make sure that if you go for this option, you do some serious research about the company before you move.

A thorough browsing of some of the top Canadian online job sites will significantly assist you with some currently available jobs on the job market. The following provides a list of some of the best online job sites in Canada that you can use to browse for open occupations:

  • Robert Half
  • Indeed Canada
  • Career Builder
  • Linkedin
  • Eluta
  • MonsterCanada
  • ZipRecruiter 
  • Glassdoor 

Step 9: Consider Bridging Courses or Co-op Placements

consider bridging courses

For example, applying for a bridging course like the Ontario Bridge Training Program is outstanding if your job is regulated in Canada. Bridging courses in Canada for newcomers are designed to offer fast access to training and support so they can obtain their licenses and find employment faster. The bridging methods also provide job search support.

Another great option is joining a free Co-op Placement designed for newcomers by the Canadian government. It helps you prepare for the Canadian job market with job-hunting courses and working as an intern to gain valuable work experience that paves the way for later finding a paid job in Canada.

Step 10: Be Confident and Dedicated

Be confident and dedicated

It might sound cliche but turn your setback into a comeback, and don't let rejection stop you. It's no easy feat to find a job in a new country, where the job market might be different, while at the same time adapting to cultural nuances and social norms.

The good news is that it's not impossible, and thousands before you have landed jobs in Canada by being confident, motivated, and dedicated. So let that be your motivation during your job search in Canada. Good luck!

How We Can Help you Move to Canada

How we can help you move to Canada

If you're not authorized to work in Canada, knowing the answer to this question will be helpful before starting your job search. There are several ways you can work in Canada and various programs that can help you.

Whether it's applying for a Canadian work permit or a permanent resident visa, it's good to know for which you qualify to have more direction for your job search.

If you plan to work in Canada temporarily, you must apply for a work permit. Unfortunately, it's not a 'one size fits all' situation. Many work streams and programs are designed for foreign workers in different occupations and under particular circumstances.

A Canadian work permit specifies who you can work with, where, and how long you can work in the country. For example, a Working Holiday Visa allows young adults aged 30-35 from 35 participating countries to work in Canada for up to 24 months.

You can work and live in Canada indefinitely with a permanent resident visa. Although this process is longer, it does present you with far more options. Many people who don't qualify for a work permit end up qualifying for an immigration program instead, which doesn't always require you to obtain a job offer in Canada.

The better news is that Canada plans to welcome 500,000 newcomers through economic immigration programs by 2023. One popular immigration program is the Express Entry system, designed to inject Canada's growing job market with more skilled professionals and tradespeople from overseas. The system also boasts one of the fastest application processing times of six months., with its affiliated RCICs, can assist and facilitate obtaining all the above services to ensure you are adequately equipped to find a job in Canada on your own.


What is the Worst Thing you can do to Find a job in Canada?

A work permit is paramount to finding and maintaining a job in Canada. Without it, you can neither be eligible to apply for a job as an immigrant nor submit an application to obtain permanent residency status.

What is the Best Thing you can do to Find a job?

Networking is the best thing you can do to find a job in Canada. Whether social or business networking, getting acquainted with the right people, especially Canadians with influence in the business world, will provide ample opportunity to obtain references for potential jobs.

What is the Best Place in Canada to Find a job?

Toronto, Ontario, Canada's biggest city and its financial and commercial metropole, has Canada's most varied job offerings. Thus, it has the most significant potential among any Canadian city to absorb the greatest number of economic migrants to Canada.

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