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Alberta’s Aftermath

Updated: March 13th, 2023

Following the devastating wildfire that undertook the northern regions of Alberta last week, the government of Alberta has made an important announcement regarding applicants for the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP). According to what was said in the announcement, applicants of the AINP who have been affected by the Fort McMurray forest fires will be granted an additional year to maintain their eligibility whilst awaiting the outcome of their application in the processing queue.

The notice read:If you have an application currently in the queue waiting to be assessed and you are unemployed due to the wildfire, your application will be put on hold up to a maximum of one year from the date of evacuation to give you time to maintain your eligibility. Once you inform us that you have found new or alternate employment in an occupation eligible under the AINP, your application will be returned to its original spot in the queue for processing. Keep in mind that your new employer must also meet eligibility criteria.If you have already received a nomination, your nomination will be maintained and you will be given an opportunity to find new or alternate employment (in an occupation eligible under the AINP and the new employer must also meet eligibility criteria). Be sure to keep the AINP informed of your employment status. If you are actively looking for employment, your nomination will be maintained.

For the past few years, Fort McMurray has been a prime attraction to migrants all over the world because of its thriving economy and lucrative oil sands which offer job opportunities. As a result, many foreign workers have come here in search of a new beginning and applied for permanent resident status through the AINP.

Due to this unfortunate event however, more than 80,000 residents were forced to flee Fort McMurray as the wildfires raged out of control and destroyed many buildings, homes and establishments.

If you are a Temporary Foreign Worker, an AINP applicant, or a new immigrant who has been displaced by the fire, contact Immigrate to Alberta for information:

Toll-free in Alberta at 1-877-427-6419

or from outside of Alberta at 780-427-6419+

Alternatively, you may email them at

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