Canadian Immigration Cares For Future Immigrants

Canadian Immigration just announced its plan to invest $113 million in improving Canada’s pre-arrival services for newcomers. These services are designed to help make immigration easier for you and your family, they include, language training, job finding services, housing help, settlement information and so much more.

Canada cares about their newcomers and will do their best to ensure that immigrants can settle in the country easily and safely. Similarly, we at CanadianVisa.Org want to make the journey as simple as possible for you. These are the newcomer services you can use for your new life in Canada.

Canadian Immigration to Invest a Total of 1$ Billion in Newcomer Services

Ahmed Hussen, Canada's Minister of Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada recently announced that the country has budgeted for $1 billion CAD towards newcomer services. The announcement of the $113 million investment in January is the first step to achieving this goal.

Pre-arrival services provide the training and support you need to make Canadian immigration easier.

Given that Canada has plans to welcome over 1,3 million immigrants into the country by 2021, the country needs to invest some money into helping newcomers start their new life. Minister Hussen said, “We believe that equipping newcomers to succeed faster and to integrate is of benefit to all of us.” Once people become settled in Canada, it will be easier for them to help the country’s economy grow. In fact, Hussen went on to mention that with the proper governmental support, working immigrants earn more than the national average salaries of Canadians.

What Are Canadian Newcomer Services?

Newcomer Services are government support programs that are designed to ease immigrants settlement in Canada. The best part about them is once you arrive in Canada, the services are completely free and confidential. No matter where in Canada you will be living, these services will be in reach locally.

Arriving in Canada can be an overwhelming experience. You will find yourself in a new, diverse culture, different surroundings and perhaps even a new climate. So make sure to use these newcomer services in Canada once you arrive. You can find your local newcomer services on the government of Canada’s services. These are some of the services you will have access to.

Some Canadian Immigration Newcomer Services
AEIP Pre-Arrival Settlement ServicesThis service helps newcomers move to Canada by offering personalized settlement and employment information.
Build On: Pre-Arrival Trades in OntarioThis service helps newcomers find jobs in Canada’s skilled trades.
Canada InfoNetThis service also provides employment information and includes 1 to 1 specialized employment preparation.
Canadian Employment ConnectionsHelps people find jobs in IT, finance, engineering, sales, marketing, supply chain and human resources.
Canadian Immigrant Integration program (CIIP)This service helps family and economic class immigrants with their Canadian immigration by offering an orientation session, planning session shaped according to your unique background and province and referrals to other programs that offer pre-departure help.
Canadian Orientation Abroad (COA)This service is specifically designed for helping refugees settle in Canada.
Francophone Pre-arrival settlement servicesThe service provides settlement information to French-Speaking newcomers.
GO Talent CanadaHere newcomers will get access to information relating to the communications technology sector.
Integrating NewcomersThis service helps people find jobs in construction in the province of British Columbia.
Next stop CanadaThis program provides settlement services to those in the Greater Toronto area.
Pre-Arrival Supports and Services (PASS)This program helps qualified nurses link up with sector specific practices, institutions, processes and regulatory bodies.
Settlement Online services Pre-Arrival (SOPA)This program develops job search skills and cultural communication in the Canadian workplace.
SolutionsEmplois.caThis program hosts virtual job fairs with potential employers for French-speakers and bilingual newcomers.

36% of Budget Goes to Language Training

If you want to succeed in Canada, it is essential that you speak either English or French. Imagine moving to Canada and not being able to communicate with anyone. Your initial time in Canada would certainly be confusing and stressful. This is why 36% of Canadian Immigration’s budget will be allocated to newcomer services designed to improve newcomers’ English and French. Once they have improved their language ability, they will more easily find a job, interact with their community and government. So make sure to get into contact with your local Canadian newcomer services when you arrive in Canada.

Pre-arrival services provide the training and support you need to make Canadian immigration easier.

Before you can use any of these services, you need to immigrate to Canada. That’s where we come in. We will make your move to Canada simple with our expert Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs) handling your case. Sign up today and let’s discover if you qualify for Canadian immigration.