Breaking News: Foreign Workers Now Allowed to Travel to Canada!

It was recently announced that foreign workers would be allowed to travel to Canada despite the recent travel restrictions implemented in the hopes of helping to contain the spread of COVID-19.

Justin Trudeau, Canada’s Prime Minister, recently announced a travel restriction as of 18 March, which could cause delays in the Canadian visa application process. Despite these limitations, the Canadian government still strongly encourages immigration.

It is, however, compulsory that all those returning to Canada self-isolate for 14 days, except for truck drivers who have to cross the border between the US and Canada on a regular basis.

Canada has also set up new solutions to help the Canadian community who have been affected by the coronavirus, both directly and indirectly. The Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) is now available to all Canadian citizens and permanent residents. This benefit affords $2,000 every month for workers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This will be released every month for up to four months. This is a combination of the Emergency Care Benefit and Emergency Support Benefits and is now not only more accessible but available to those who may not necessarily have qualified otherwise such as contract workers and self-employed workers.

Justin Trudeau’s message comes as a huge support to all members of the Canadian community as many were concerned as to how they would be able to manage as the global economy takes a hit due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite various measures being implemented, in terms of the health and safety of all Canadians, exceptions have been made regarding the following individuals who wish to travel to Canada.

Let's take a look at how COVID-19 has affected travel to Canada and the Canadian immigration application process.

COVID-19 Update: Who Can Travel to Canada?

Canada Visa approved | travel to Canada COVID-19 news update

As of March 16, 2020, the Canadian Government made the decision to temporarily restrict foreign travel to everyone except permanent Canadian immigrants, Canadian or US citizens as well as diplomats. This was implemented to help which is now being referred to as "plank the curve" or in other words to help prevent the further spread of COVID-19. It has now been confirmed that the following individuals may travel to Canada:

  • International students with valid Canadian study permits or have already been accepted at a Designated Educational Institution (DEI) before the travel ban was implemented;
  • Temporary workers already in Canada or those who already had travel arrangements in place before travel restrictions were implemented.
  • family members including (spouse or common-law partner, dependents, parents or step-parents as well as their spouse or common-law partner and guardian or tutor.

Although there may be some delays in the visa application processing times, the Canadian Visa application process remains the same and is still open to skilled workers who want to start a new life in Canada. Although the government is taking a strict approach to those allowed in or out of the country, the goal to invite 1 million newcomers to Canada by 2022 remains intact. In fact, now may actually be the best time to submit your application, and here’s why.

Why Start Your Canadian Visa Application Sooner Rather Than Later?


You’ll Have a Better Chance of Success

With so many uncertainties of what the future may hold, now is the time to be vigilant and start looking out for opportunities for both you and your loved ones. There has been a slight decline in the number of visa applications. Certain applicants cancelled their applications out of fear of uncertainty and what the future would hold, not realising that now is not the time to abandon investment in your future. In fact, now is the best time to allow your investment to mature. By keeping your Canada visa application on track, whilst others withdraw their applications, you’ll be fast-tracked towards the front of the queue to secure your visa to Canada.

With certain Canadian immigration systems such as Express Entry, which is a points-based system which ranks you based on factors such as your age, education and language abilities (amongst others), your chances of receiving an ITA (Invitation to Apply) for permanent Canadian residence will automatically increase due to the simple fact that there may be fewer applicants to be ranked against.

In other words, now is the time to make an investment in your future by submitting your application early. The sooner you start your Canadian visa application, the higher your chances of receiving an ITA!

Another great part of taking the Express Entry route is that you can continually improve your visa application by improving in areas such as your language abilities. Have some extra time on your hands? Why not enrol in our online IELTS preparation course to secure some extra CRS points?

How We Help Secure Your Future in Canada

hugging women after getting visa to travel to Canada

Navigating the Canadian immigration system, especially at this time, can be both cumbersome and stressful, with a copious amount of forms and documents to complete and strict submission dates, we wouldn’t blame you if you felt apathetic about getting started on your application. But that's what we’re here for. At Canadian Visa, we take the hassle out of planning to immigrate to Canada and optimize your chances of success in the visa application process. Our accredited RCICs (Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants) are ready to evaluate your eligibility, review all documentation and submit all documentation on your behalf. Using an RCIC not only gives you the best possible chance of receiving an ITA but will make the entire process simple and stress-free.

We handle the paperwork while you take care of your health and the well being of your loved ones. All you have to do is complete our online evaluation application form and we’ll take care of the rest. It's just that simple.

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram or visit the Canadian Government Website for more information and updates on the Coronavirus (COVID-19).