Why More And More Japanese Are Immigrating To Canada

Japan is known globally for its strong work ethic and booming economy, however with hundreds of jobs currently available, why is it that so many Japanese citizens are choosing to migrate to Canada?

Canada not only boasts fantastic job opportunities and benefits but understands the importance of work-life balance, how essential high quality of life is as well as making world-class education and healthcare available to all it's citizens, at no cost to them. Lets take a closer look at some of the main reasons why Japanese workers are choosing to immigrate to Canada and how we can help you get there.

City Life in Japan is Expensive

architectural design architecture buildings city migrate to Canada

Japan is currently facing a labour shortage crisis due to an ageing population, a low birth rate and the fact that its qualified young professionals are seeking employment abroad. Even Though there are plenty of business opportunities available in Japan and the quality of life is reasonable, living costs in big cities such as Tokyo are exceptionally high and living conditions are cramped and expensive. For example, monthly rent for a 900sq. feet apartment in the heart of Tokyo will set you back $3058 a month, whereas an apartment in Toronto will cost anywhere around $1,747 per month.

The Great Outdoors

Emerald Lake British Columbia | migrate to Canada

Although Japan has many beautiful natural wonders, it simply cannot compare to the sheer grandeur and vast expanses of Canada's numerous national parks, such as Banff and Jasper as well as it’s exquisite lakes, namely Moraine and Emerald Lake. There are a number of hiking trails along the world-renowned Canadian Rockies to explore as well as its endless coastlines, and open landscapes set against the backdrop of tundra and the awe-inspiring Auroras (Northern Lights).

Multicultural Vibrant Cities

Canada Toronto lake city night | migrate to Canada

Canada is much more open to immigration than Japan is and offers a multicultural urban playground for young professionals seeking employment and entertainment alike. Canadian cities such as Toronto, offer a wide variety of international festivals, concerts and events to choose from each year as well as having has a bustling nightlife. It also hosts a multitude of art museums, historical landmarks and restaurants for art fundies and foodies to indulge in.

Quality of Life

Canada healthcare system doctor and patient with tablet | migrate to Canada

Canada offers a number of benefits that ultimately equates to a phenomenal quality of life. Housing is relatively inexpensive and cities are less crowded, especially in provinces such as Alberta, Prince Edward Island and Saskatchewan. Canada also offers a world-renowned education system, at no cost to permanent residents and locals up until Grade 12. There are also a wide variety of tertiary institutions to choose from, such as McGill University, the University of Toronto and the University of British Columbia. Free healthcare is another benefit afforded to Candian citizens, however, it is important to note that certain procedures and prescription medications are not covered. There is also considerably less pollution in Canada, which has been ranked 9th on the list of the world’s cleanest countries for overall air quality.

How To Migrate To Canada

1. Choose Your Program

Asian woman selecting her Canadian immigration program | migrate to Canada

There are five main programs to choose from once you have decided to migrate to Canada from Japan.

Federal Immigration Programs
1. Economic Immigrants/Federal Skilled Worker Program
This category is for skilled workers with Canadian experience who qualify under one of three categories:
  • Skilled Worker Stream - This program is designed for candidates who are skilled in a specific in-demand trade with the necessary work experience and would like to live and work permanently in Canada.

  • Canadian Experience Stream - This category is for applicants already living and working in Canada, with temporary status, looking to apply for permanent residency status. This category includes foreign workers and students, with an excellent command of English and/or French language.

  • Business Stream - Sub-categories under this stream such as entrepreneurs, self-employed immigrants and investors are aimed at applicants who have the necessary financial means, skills and work experience to practice business in Canada.
  • Student Permit - Those wanting to live and study in Canada will require a study permit as well as a tourist visa. There are certain requirements in order to qualify
    Family Sponsorship - This category is for applicants with close relatives in Canada who have committed to financially support their family member while applying for residence. Permanent residents or Canadian citizens are able to sponsor their spouse, conjugal or common-law partner, dependent child as well as any relative deemed eligible under this category.
    Humanitarian and Compassionate Applicants - These applicants qualify to apply for permanent status in Canada under the following exceptional circumstances:
  • Settlement in Canada;

  • Family Ties;

  • The best interest of children; and

  • Consequences of not granting the request

  • It is important to note that these circumstances are assessed on a case-by-case basis.
    Refugee Class - This category is for applicants who are unable or afraid to return to their home country and need protection. Canadian citizens and permanent residents are able to sponsor immigrants who are deemed eligible to settle in Canada under refugee status.

    2. Prepare Your Documentation

    Women filling in Canadian immigration documents | migrate to Canada

    There are a number of requirements to apply via the Federal Skilled Worker Program:

    ID and Passport;
    Language Tests;
    Education Credential Assessment;
    Your NOC (National Occupational Classification) code;
    Provincial Nomination (if you have one);
    Job offer (if you have one);
    Police Clearance; and
    Medical Certificate

    3.Optimize Your Application Process By Using A Licensed Immigration Agency

    shaking hands | migrate to Canada

    Once you have all of your paperwork in order, you will be able to start the application process. The Express Entry System is the most popular and fastest way to get to Canada and acquire permanent residency as it streamlines the immigration process. You will need to create an online profile containing information such as your age, qualifications and work experience. Based on this information, you will be ranked against other applicants based on points scored according to the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS). Applicants with the highest CRS scores will receive an Invitation To Apply (ITA) for permanent residency. There are many ways to improve your score, including receiving a Provincial Nominee, which can be obtained by submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) or alternatively receiving a Notification of Interest (NOI) from your chosen province as they are able to select suitable applicants from the Express Entry System.

    Applying for a Canadian visa can be an arduous task, especially with strict immigration deadlines, procedures and specifications that need to be met, but when you sign up with our service our knowledgeable Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCIC’s) will be here to assist you through every step of the process. As a licensed immigration agency, we are granted permission by the Canadian government to liaise with them on your behalf regarding your visa application. All you have to do is fill out our application form to receive your assessment and see whether or not you are eligible for one of 70 programs and visas and let us sort out the rest. It’s just that simple!