Fruit picking in Canada can be a fantastic opportunity for international workers to make money while experiencing life in Canada. Fruit picking in Canada refers to working on one of Canada's almost 8,000 fruit farms, picking, cleaning, organizing, and packing fruits and vegetables for distribution. It's primarily seasonal employment, as fruit pickers are only necessary during harvest.
Often, jobs only last as long as it takes for the crop to be harvested. As a result, it's perfect for those who don't plan to move to Canada for a prolonged period or want to work and travel around Canada.
While it does seem to be a fantastic opportunity, knowing how to do there is something that often stumps potential candidates. To help with that, we have put together a simple step-by-step process on how you can land fruit picker jobs in Canada.
Step 1: Find Jobs On The Best Job Sites In Canada
Before you look at going to Canada, it's usually best to ensure you have a job waiting for you when you arrive. A great way to find fruit picker jobs in Canada is to apply on job sites.
The best job sites in Canada for you are the sites that primarily focus on specific provinces, as certain provinces produce the majority of fruit and have a far smaller applicant pool for potential employers to choose from.
The three best provinces in Canada for fruit picking are Quebec, British Columbia (BC), and Ontario. BC tends to be the favorite as Quebec has slightly different immigration and hiring processes from the rest of Canada. Some of the best job sites in Canada for fruit picking jobs are:
- The Canadian job bank
- Glassdoor
- BC Fruit Grower Association
- BC Cherry Association
- Jealous Fruits Recruitment
- Carcajou Fruit
Another positive of applying online is that you know precisely the requirements for your job. A huge positive of fruit picker jobs in Canada is that the conditions are generally relatively small.
Each job has different criteria but generally speaking, fruit-picking jobs don't require specific educational qualifications, a language-ability qualification, or even work experience in some instances.
These differ depending on the job, and it's worth investigating each posting before applying to ensure you fulfill all of the necessary criteria.
Best Cities/Provinces for Fruit Picker Jobs in Canada
To get the best out of your search for Fruit Picker jobs in Canada, we recommend searching first in the provinces of:
As per information obtained from IndeedCanada, these four provinces dominate the online boards job post listings for Fruit Picker Jobs in Canada.
Step 2: Get Your Visa Program
Before you apply for a job as a fruit picker, you should know how your pathway will play out. You can go to Canada through several different routes depending on your country of origin.
Temporary Foreign Worker Permit

As fruit-picking jobs are generally seasonal, you will likely need to apply for a Temporary Foreign Worker Permit (TFWP) to be allowed to work. The TFWP works as follows:
As the TFWP is a closed work permit, you will only be allowed to work for a specific, designated employer and only for the set time of the employment contract. As a result, if this visa program works best for you, you will need to have received a job offer from an employer that has completed a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).
Often jobs that say they provide visa sponsorship have already done an LMIA and so don’t need to do one to hire you. Those seeking a work permit via the TFWP should apply to the Agriculture Worker Stream.
To apply for this stream, you must apply to an employer that has proven their sector is on the Canadian national commodity list, which most fruits grown in Canada are.
In addition, the job you're undertaking must be considered on-farm primary agriculture, meaning the position you apply for must have a Canadian National Occupational Classification (NOC) code of either: 80,020; 80021; 80022;82030; 84120; 85,101 and 85100. Fruit pickers generally are classified under NOC code 85,101, which under present NOC classifications is described encompasses all Harvesting Laborers.
To assess your eligibility for these occupations through the addition of a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score, you can visit our CRS calculator tool site here on our site.
Temporary Foreign Worker Permit
That said, if you're from one of the following nations, you will likely have to apply for your worker's permit under the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP):
- Mexico
- Anguilla
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Barbados
- Dominica
- Grenada
- Jamaica
- Montserrat
- St. Kitts-Nevis
- St. Lucia
- St. Vincent and the Grenadines
- Trinidad and Tobago
The SAWP allows Canadian Employers to hire agricultural workers from these countries for up to 8 months during peak farming seasons. In addition, applying under the SAWP can often fast-track your visa application.
Canada Working Holiday Visa
This is not the only nation-specific visa program one can apply for when looking to work as a fruit picker. Depending on your nationality, you may qualify for several different visa programs.
If you’re from one of the countries below, you can apply for a Canada Working Holiday Visa via the International Experience Canada (IEC) program.
Eligible Countries in the International Experience Canada (IEC) Program | ||
Australia | Austria | Belgium |
Chile | Costa Rica | Croatia |
Czech Republic | Denmark | Estonia |
France | Germany | Greece |
Hong Kong | Ireland | Italy |
Japan | Korea, Rep. | Latvia |
Lithuania | Luxembourg | Mexico |
Netherlands | New Zealand | Norway |
Poland | Portugal | San Marino |
Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain |
Sweden | Switzerland | Taiwan |
Ukraine | United Kingdom |
Unlike the TFWP, a Canada Working Holiday Visa allows candidates an open work permit for their stay in Canada, meaning they can change jobs and move freely around Canada from job to job until the period of their working holiday visa expires. This usually takes 12 to 24 months.
If you're unsure if you qualify for the TFWP, the SAWP, or a Canada Working Holiday Visa, click the button below to speak to a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC). They will help get you to find the program you'll be most likely to qualify for and help you ensure you have the best possible chance of gaining your necessary visa or permit.
Step 3: Construct a Canada-friendly CV
Before officially applying, you must have all the documentation Canadian Employers require. If you don't, you may struggle to land the fruit-picking job you've been searching for. In addition, when applying online, most employers will ask for a resume or curriculum vitae (CV) to give them some background on you and how experienced you are in the field.
Therefore, your CV must be as quickly read and understood as possible. A great way to ensure this is to set your resume the same way they're done in Canada. There are three simple rules to writing a good CV for landing a job in Canada.
Be Truthful
Don't embellish your details, particularly if they're easy to disprove. If a potential employer decides to run a background check on you and your details don't match up, you will automatically be refused the job. It's always better, to be honest concerning work, experience, education level, and skill base.
As fruit-picker jobs generally don't require specific qualifications or experience, there is no fear of having too few achievements. Misrepresenting yourself, however, can lead to your visa application being rejected by the Canadian immigration office and banned for the next five years.
Have Clear Contact Details
Ensure your potential employers know exactly how to contact you by ensuring you have a clear contact details section, that your contact details are valid and up to date, and that they're appropriate for applying for a job.
While working as a fruit picker isn't the most formal of employment, any employer will prefer a candidate who presents themselves in as professional a manner as possible.
Choose a Clear Layout
How you lay out your CV hugely influences how your information is consumed. Make sure your data is laid out clearly and as easily read as possible—an example of a perfect layout for a Canadian CV.

Step 4: Apply for the Job
Now that your CV is complete, you've researched your potential employers and found the best program to ensure you can get into Canada. Once you've landed your fruit-picking job, the next step is to apply. Make sure you include all documentation asked for in the job posting and that all necessary forms are filled out.
It's often best to apply for multiple jobs at once as often if one farm rejects you, another may accept you. It's also recommended that you use it well before the harvest season to give you plenty of time to get your visa or permit once you receive your job offer.
If your application is successful, you should hear back from potential employers within a week or two and may have to sit an interview or test, depending on the requirements of your employer.
Immigration Programs You Can Use to Apply to Move to Canada as a Fruit Picker
There are a number of immigration programs you can use to immigrate to Canada as a fruit picker. The following presents a list of the most common, accessible, and relevant programs.
Provincial Nominee Program
Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) allows for accelerated immigration processing as dictated by provincial needs set up in Canada's provinces. There are mainly two kinds of PNP programs.
The first is the skilled worker Provincial Nominee Program. The program expedites skilled workers with a job offer from provincial and local businesses in an occupation or business sector that’s crucial for satisfying provincial labor market needs. Fruit pickers are some of the most sought-after unskilled and low-skilled laborers in Canada as evidenced by the number of provincial in-demand jobs lists that mentioned fruit pickers.
If you’re curious about finding out more then you can check the general eligibility requirements and provincial in-demand occupations list to see if you can apply.
Agri-food Pilot
TheAgri-Food immigration pilot aims to attract non-seasonal farm and livestock workers who want to reside and work in Canada year-round in industries such as meat processing, animal raising, mushroom production sectors, and green housing.
A lot of immigrant fruit pickers utilize the Agri-food pilot as a means to apply to move to Canada due to the pilot's eligibility requirements being directly related to their occupation. You can take a more thorough look at the eligibility requirements and how to apply if you’re interested here.
Work Permits
A Canadian work permit enables the holder to work in Canada and engage in work activities outlined on the permit. The permit shows the holder's name, the name of the employer, passport information, the start and end date of the permit, and the type of work the holder is legally authorized to do.
There are mainly two types of Canadian work permits: employer-specific work permits, and open work permits. You can get a work permit, through the International Experience Canada (IEC) program. Each has its own application process and Eligibility requirements.
What You Can Expect as a Fruit Picker in Canada
There are several reasons why fruit-picking jobs in Canada are popular among job seekers.
Competitive Salaries
Firstly, the pay is competitive, and workers are often paid by the hour.
Experience Canadas’s Great Cultural Diversity
Secondly, fruit-picking jobs are a great way to experience Canadian culture and meet new people.
Experience Canadas Great Outdoors
Thirdly, fruit-picking jobs are a great way to experience the great outdoors and get some exercise.
Preferential Working Conditions
Some employers offer additional benefits, such as free meals and transportation. Workers are also entitled to basic workplace safety and insurance coverage.
How Much Do Fruit Pickers Generally Earn?
There's a wide range of salaries fruit pickers can earn depending on the crop, the region they're working in, the level of responsibility, and, ultimately, the yield they can produce. Often farms will pay pickers per pound of fruit they can pick.
However, according to IndeedCanada, fruit picker salaries can range from 31, 917 CAD to 37, 007 per year. Remember that on most farms, your employer covers your food, lodging, and medical expenses.
Do You Need Specific Skills to Be a Fruit Picker?
No, but a few general requirements will work in your favor. You must be over 18 to work as a fruit picker. You don't need any qualifications, but experience in agricultural work is always an asset. You have to be able to handle heavy manual labor that may include heavy lifting. Good organizational skills will also be a significant asset as you often have to organize fruits for distribution.
How do I Know if The Job Offer I Receive is Real or Fake?
There are a few significant points to look out for upon receiving a job offer from an overseas employer. The first and primary thing to do is to research your employer and ensure the farm or company you've applied to is real. For a complete breakdown of what else to look out for in a job offer, have a look at this article.