Multiculturalism Day in Canada

Canada, a vast and beautiful country, is renowned for its rich tapestry of cultures. This diversity is not just an incident but a core value enshrined in the Canadian identity. Every year, at the end of June, Canadians celebrate Multiculturalism Day – a day dedicated to recognizing the contributions of its diverse communities and reaffirming the country's commitment to inclusion and respect.

Multicultural Day in Canada

Celebrate Multiculturalism Day in Canada | Multiculturalism Day in Canada

June 27th marks Multiculturalism Day in Canada. It is a national occasion to celebrate the rich tapestry of cultures woven into the country's fabric. This day holds particular significance for the Department of National Defense (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), recognizing the invaluable contributions of Canadians from diverse backgrounds who serve in uniform.

Canada has long been a global leader in multiculturalism, renowned for its vibrant mosaic of cultures. This is reflected in the 2021 Census, with over 450 ethnic or cultural origins reported by Canadians.

Established in 2002, Multiculturalism Day is a dedicated time to celebrate the vast and vital contributions of Canadians from all walks of life. It also coincides with several other cultural celebrations in June, such as National Indigenous History Month, Italian Heritage Month, Portuguese Heritage Month, and Filipino Heritage Month.

Canadian Multiculturalism Day isn't just about celebrating; it's about embracing the richness and diversity that define Canada. The DND and CAF actively participate in this spirit, recognizing the strength and resilience that come from a multicultural force.

Multiculturalism in Canada

Canada boasts one of the highest immigration rates globally. According to the 2021 Census, over 21 million Canadians (roughly 62.1%) reported origins outside of Canada. This translates to an incredible diversity of cultures, languages, and traditions, enriching the nation's social fabric.

The top source countries for immigrants to Canada include China, India, the Philippines, Pakistan, and the United States. With over 8.3 million immigrant residents, South Asians form the largest immigrant population group, followed by those with Chinese origins (at over 1.7 million).

Multiculturalism in Canada is evident in vibrant cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal. These urban hubs are melting pots of cultures, offering a taste of the world through diverse cuisines, festivals, and cultural events throughout the year.

Learn more about the top multicultural cities to settle in Canada.

The Canadian Multiculturalism Act

Multiculturalism in Canada | Multiculturalism Day in Canada

The Canadian Multiculturalism Act (CMA) is a significant pillar in shaping Canada's identity. Enacted in 1988, this legislation established Canada as a global forerunner in enshrining multiculturalism into law.

A Historical Context

The groundwork for the CMA was laid in 1982 when Section 27 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms recognized multiculturalism. Building upon this foundation, the CMA emerged as a comprehensive framework to promote diversity, equality, and inclusion within Canadian society.

The Core Objectives of the CMA

The Act outlines several key objectives that solidify Canada's commitment to multiculturalism:

  • Preserving and Recognizing Cultural Heritage: The CMA acknowledges the importance of safeguarding and appreciating the diverse cultural tapestry of Canadians.
  • Equitable Participation: It strives to ensure that individuals and communities, regardless of their origin, have the opportunity to fully participate and contribute to shaping Canadian society.
  • Eliminating Barriers: The Act recognizes the existence of barriers that hinder participation and aims to dismantle them, fostering a more inclusive environment.
  • Equality Under the Law: The CMA emphasizes the principle of equal treatment and protection for all Canadians, acknowledging and valuing their cultural differences.

Promoting Cultural Identity and Understanding

The Act goes beyond simply acknowledging diversity. It actively encourages government support for initiatives that foster intercultural understanding and respect. This fosters a sense of belonging where all Canadians feel comfortable preserving, enhancing, and sharing their unique cultural heritage.

How the Government of Canada Promotes Multiculturalism

The Government of Canada actively works on several fronts to promote multiculturalism, support federal institutions, foster dialogue on inclusion, and engage internationally to combat racism.

Championing Diversity and Understanding

The Canadian government recognizes multiculturalism as a cornerstone of Canadian identity. Their efforts focus on:

  • Supporting communities facing racism and discrimination.
  • Promoting intercultural and interfaith understanding, fostering a sense of respect and acceptance for diverse beliefs and practices.
  • Creating a national conversation about multiculturalism, diversity, racism, and religious discrimination, both domestically and on the international stage.

Empowering Federal Institutions

The Canadian government plays a crucial role in assisting federal institutions in fulfilling their obligations under the Canadian Multiculturalism Act. This includes providing support and monitoring their annual reports on multiculturalism initiatives.

How Federal Institutions Play a Part

The CMA assigns a critical role to federal institutions in upholding and strengthening Canada's multicultural fabric. The Act mandates these institutions to:

  • Promote Equal Opportunities: They are obligated to work towards providing equal opportunities for advancement within their structures.
  • Empowerment and Capacity Building: Federal institutions must support initiatives that empower individuals and communities to contribute meaningfully to Canada's ongoing development.
  • Fostering Respect for Diversity: The Act compels them to actively promote understanding and appreciation for Canada's diverse cultural landscape.
  • Data Collection and Research: The CMA emphasizes the importance of data collection and research to guide the development of policies, programs, and practices that effectively address Canada's multicultural reality.
  • Leveraging Diversity: The Act encourages federal institutions to utilize the language skills and cultural knowledge of individuals from all backgrounds.

Global Partnerships Against Racism

The Government of Canada actively supports and advances Canada's commitment to international instruments to combat racism. This includes upholding Canada's obligations under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. They further contribute by:

  • Supporting the implementation of the Declaration on the North American Partnership for Equity and Racial Justice.
  • Engaging with foreign government entities to exchange best practices and collaborate on policies and programs designed to prevent and address racism, discrimination, and hate crimes.

By prioritizing these areas, the government strives to create a more inclusive and equitable society for all Canadians.

How to Celebrate Multiculturalism Day in Canada

How to Spend Multiculturalism Day in Canada | Multiculturalism Day in Canada

Multiculturalism Day is more than a one-day celebration. It's a chance to embrace the welcoming spirit of Canada and embark on a lifelong journey of cultural exploration. By actively participating, you'll enrich your experience and contribute to the vibrant cultural mosaic that makes Canada an extraordinary place. So, step outside your comfort zone, embrace the diversity, and celebrate the joy of belonging in your new Canadian home.

Canada's Multiculturalism Day offers a fantastic opportunity to step outside your comfort zone and immerse yourself in the vibrant tapestry of cultures that define the nation. Here are some ways to actively participate and celebrate as a newcomer to Canada.

Explore Local Events

Check your community calendar for festivals, cultural performances, or educational exhibits near you. Many localities organize vibrant celebrations showcasing your area's unique blend of cultures.

Support Multicultural Businesses

Seek out restaurants, shops, or service providers from diverse communities. Indulge in culinary delights you haven't tried before or explore handcrafted goods with rich cultural influences. Your patronage directly supports the economic vibrancy of multicultural communities.

Embark on a Culinary Journey

Venture beyond your usual fare! Explore a new cuisine by visiting a restaurant representing a culture you haven't experienced before. Food festivals are a hallmark of Multiculturalism Day. These events offer a delicious passport to the world, showcasing culinary delights from far and wide. Sample unfamiliar dishes, ask questions about ingredients and preparation methods, and discover new flavor favorites.

Explore a Local Museum or Library

Many institutions host special exhibits or events highlighting different cultures on Multicultural Day. Look into the history, traditions, and artistic expressions of various communities to broaden your understanding.

Organize a Potluck

Gather your friends and neighbors and have everyone bring a dish from their cultural background. This creates a fun and delicious way to share traditions and flavors.

Learn a Basic Greeting in a New Language

Take the first step towards bridging the cultural gap by learning a simple greeting in a language spoken by a community you'd like to connect with. Learning "hello" is great, but take it further. Explore a few extra phrases, find free language resources at your library, or use online tools. Connect with native speakers online to practice and build bridges through language on Multiculturalism Day.

Share Your Story

Use social media platforms to share your experiences celebrating Multicultural Day. Use the hashtag #MulticulturalDay to connect with others celebrating across Canada.

Research and Share Interesting Facts

Did you know about a fascinating cultural tradition or historical figure from another part of the world? Share this knowledge online to spark curiosity and appreciation for diverse cultures.

Multiculturalism Day is a springboard for fostering a more inclusive and connected society throughout the year. By actively participating in these celebrations, you contribute to the vibrant cultural mosaic that makes Canada an extraordinary place.


How Can I Find Out About Multiculturalism Day Events in Canada?

The Government of Canada lists upcoming events in Canada on its website. As a newcomer to Canada, you should check community notice boards and social media for events in your area as well.

Now That I Know That I Won't Have to Leave my Culture Behind When I Immigrate to Canada, What is the Quickest Way to Gain Canadian Permanent Residency?

If you are a skilled foreign worker, you can apply to Canada's Express Entry System. Processing for this pathway takes just six months.