How to Find a Job in Canada Once You Receive an ITA

Receiving your Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residency in Canada marks a significant milestone in your journey toward a new life in the Great White North. Now that you've secured your invitation, the next step is finding employment in Canada.

Finding a job in Canada as an immigrant can be exciting and challenging. From optimizing your resume to networking effectively and mastering your interview, our guide will equip you with the tools and knowledge you need to secure your dream job in Canada.

Ready to work in Canada once you obtain an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for Canadian permanent residency? Then, look at our strategies for finding a job in the Canadian job market after receiving your ITA.

How Can I Receive an Invitation to Apply Before Finding a Job in Canada?

How Can I Receive an Invitation to Apply Before Finding a Job in Canada?

Receiving an ITA in Canada is a big step toward receiving permanent residency in Canada. Issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), the ITA signifies that your Express Entry profile has emerged from the pool of candidates, exceeding the minimum threshold in the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS). This points-based system evaluates factors like:

  • Work experience,
  • Education,
  • Language proficiency, and
  • Age.

You can use our CRS calculator to evaluate your CRS score. Those with higher scores receive ITAs first. An ITA grants you the opportunity to apply for Canadian permanent residency (Canada PR) formally.

You'll have 60 days to submit a complete application package, including proof of funds, medical examinations, and, potentially, a Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) if required by your job offer. While an ITA strengthens your application, it doesn't guarantee permanent residency. However, it signifies you're well on your way to building a new life in Canada.

How Can I Find a Job in Canada After Receiving my ITA?

How Can I Find a Job in Canada After Receiving my ITA

While an existing job offer isn't mandatory for PR processing after receiving your ITA, securing employment beforehand strengthens your application and makes settling in Canada much smoother.

Step 1: Target Your Online Search

The internet is a significant resource for job seekers in Canada, and targeting your online search is essential for improving your job-hunting efforts. Below are two of the most prominent online job search programs you can use to find a job in Canada.

Canada Job Bank

Your gateway to a vast database of jobs across Canada, this official platform, the Canada Job Bank, allows you to filter by occupation, location, and other criteria. Regularly checking new postings and setting up job alerts can be highly beneficial.

Leverage LinkedIn

Build a strong, professional profile showcasing your job skills, experience, and achievements. Use keywords relevant to your field for better searchability by employers. Actively connect with professionals in your industry based in Canada. Many companies use LinkedIn for recruitment so that you might find job postings directly through the platform.

Step 2: Explore Specialized Platforms

On top of general job search engines, exploring specialized platforms can help you tap into sector-specific job markets and industries.

Industry-Specific Websites

Many professional associations and industries have career resources and job boards. These platforms are created for specific skill sets and offer targeted opportunities aligned with your expertise. Look for websites belonging to your professional association or relevant industry bodies in Canada. You can also look for job-listing websites that target your specific demographic, such as Canada's youth job-listing websites.

Learn more about Canada's industry-specific job listing websites.

Recruitment Agencies

Partnering with recruitment agencies specializing in your field can be valuable. These agencies have established relationships with Canadian employers looking for specific skill sets. Research reputable agencies are known for placing professionals within your industry. Here are some recruitment agencies you can contact in Canada.

Steps 3: Build Your Professional Online Network

Building a strong professional network is crucial for finding a job in Canada, especially as a newcomer.

Connect on LinkedIn

Go beyond simply sending connection requests. Engage with professionals in your field residing in Canada on LinkedIn Canada. Follow relevant industry groups, participate in discussions, and share insightful content. Building genuine connections can lead to valuable job referrals or industry insights.

Online Forums

Join online communities for newcomers in Canada. Platforms like Job Forum Canada, Destination Canada Job Forum, and Canada Employment Forum provide valuable information-sharing and connection opportunities. You might find job leads or advice from experienced individuals who have recently found a job in the Canadian job market.

Step 4: Plan for Job Fairs

While you can't attend physical job fairs yet, remember them when you arrive in Canada. Job fairs offer a unique opportunity to meet employers face-to-face. Research upcoming job fairs in your desired location and field. Prepare an elevator pitch highlighting your skills and experience, and ensure your resume is readily available for distribution. Prominent job fairs you can attend in Canada include:

Step 5: Tailor Your Application Materials for the Canadian Job Market

Customizing your application materials for the Canadian job market is essential for standing out as a candidate when trying to find a job in Canada.

Resume and Cover Letter Customization

For each job application, ensure your resume and cover letter are tailored to the specific position. Analyze the job description and highlight relevant skills and experiences.

Canadian Resume Format

Canadian resumes are one to two pages long and prioritize clear, concise language. Focus on achievements and quantifiable results using action verbs. Highlight relevant certifications or licenses specific to the Canadian market.

Learn how to write the perfect CV for work in Canada.

Cover Letter

Your cover letter should be to the point and impactful. Briefly introduce yourself, highlight two or three key skills relevant to the position, and demonstrate your understanding of the company and its needs. Research common cover letter formats in Canada to ensure your application meets expectations.

Learn more about how to create a great job application in Canada.

Step 6: Additional Resources You Can Use

You can also use the following resources to enhance your chances of finding job opportunities in Canada.

Settlement Services

Once you arrive in Canada, explore settlement services offered by the government or local organizations. These services can provide access to job opportunities in Canada and valuable career guidance, resume writing workshops, and interview preparation support.

Canadian Job Market Research

Familiarize yourself with the Canadian job market. Research average salaries in your field, relevant industry trends, and in-demand skills. Resources like Indeed Canada Salary Calculator or Canada's Job Bank Wage Search can be helpful for salary research.

Learn more about how to find a job in Canada.

How Can I Work in Canada While Waiting for My ITA to Be Processed?

How Can I Work in Canada While Waiting for My ITA to Be Processed?

If you’re already in Canada while waiting for your ITA to be processed for permanent residency in Canada, you can apply to continue working in Canada with the Bridging Open Work Permit.

Bridging Open Work Permit

A Bridging Open Work Permit (BOWP) allows individuals with a pending application for permanent residence to continue working legally in Canada. To be eligible for the BOWP, you must have submitted your permanent residence application and maintained valid temporary resident status in Canada.

The BOWP ensures uninterrupted employment and facilitates your transition to permanent residency. It's a valuable option if you’re eager to sustain your livelihoods while going through Canada’s immigration process.


What Should I Expect During the Canada Job Application and Interview Process?

During the Canada job application and interview process, you can expect to submit a resume and cover letter that meets Canadian standards, followed by potential assessments or interviews that may include behavioral questions and technical evaluations.

Learn more about how to get a job in Canada with these interview tricks.

Are There Specific Industries or Regions in Canada Where Job Opportunities Are More Abundant?

Job opportunities in Canada vary by industry and region, with sectors like technology, healthcare, finance, and skilled trades experiencing growth and demand for skilled workers. Regions such as Ontario, British Columbia, and Quebec offer diverse job markets and opportunities across various industries.

Do I Need a Job Offer to Immigrate to Canada After Receiving an ITA?

No, you don't necessarily need a job offer to immigrate to Canada after receiving an ITA through the Express Entry system. However, having a job offer can significantly benefit your application to immigrate to Canada by increasing your CRS score and demonstrating your employability.

Learn about the five Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) that don't require a job offer.