Can Non-Citizens Get Healthcare in Canada?

Ever wondered if you can access healthcare in Canada as a non-citizen? If you have, you are one of many non-prospective non-citizens in Canada who frequently ask this question while planning to move to the country. From understanding the eligibility criteria to better looking into the benefits and limitations, our guide sheds light on non-citizen healthcare in Canada.

Join us as we uncover how non-citizens can access healthcare in Canada, providing insight into inclusive coverage for non-citizens in the Great White North.

Can You Can Access Healthcare as a Non-Citizen in Canada?

Can You Can Access Healthcare as a Non-Citizen in Canada?

Yes, as a non-citizen in Canada, accessing healthcare in Canada is possible. However, this access comes with specific considerations and limitations. While Canada's publicly funded healthcare system, Medicare, primarily serves citizens and permanent residents, non-citizens, including:

  • Temporary residents,
  • Visitors,
  • Refugees, and
  • Asylum seekers.

Temporary residents in Canada, such as foreign workers, international students, and individuals on work permits, may be eligible for public health insurance coverage through provincial or territorial health insurance plans. Eligibility criteria typically include holding a valid work or study permit and intending to reside in the province or territory for a specified period, usually six months or longer. An eligible non-citizen in Canada can access essential medical services at no direct cost at the point of service. This includes:

  • Doctor visits,
  • Hospital care,
  • Diagnostic tests, and
  • Prescription medications.

Visitors to Canada are not eligible for public health insurance coverage and must rely on private health insurance to cover medical expenses during their stay in the country. Private health insurance plans for visitors typically offer coverage for emergency medical treatment, hospitalization, and other healthcare services not covered by public insurance.

How Can Non-Citizens Get Healthcare in Canada?

How Can Non-Citizens Get Healthcare in Canada?

Canada's universal healthcare system provides citizens and permanent residents comprehensive medical coverage. Below are the options for temporary residents, visitors, and other non-citizen newcomers to Canada's healthcare system.

Public Health Insurance for Qualifying Temporary Residents

Canada's system extends coverage to some non-citizens in Canada. These exceptional categories often have specific eligibility criteria set by each province or territory. Here's a breakdown of the most common situations:

Foreign Workers

Work permit holders with valid job offers might qualify for provincial health insurance. This typically applies to workers intending to stay for an extended period, often a year or more. Each province has its own program details and eligibility requirements.

For instance, Quebec offers most workers a valid work permit coverage, while Ontario requires a specific type of work permit and a minimum planned stay. Employers can be a valuable resource for information on provincial health insurance programs for foreign workers.

International Students

Students in Canada enrolled in full-time studies at a designated learning institution (DLI) might qualify for provincial health insurance, depending on the province and their study permit. Similar to foreign worker programs, each province has its regulations.

Provinces like British Columbia and Manitoba offer health coverage to most international students in Canada, while others might have stricter requirements. International students should consult their educational institutions for provincial health insurance eligibility guidance.

Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Refugees granted asylum status in Canada are generally eligible to apply for provincial health insurance after a waiting period. The specific waiting period and application process vary by province. Settlement agencies can be a helpful resource for refugees seeking healthcare access information.

Waiting Periods

Even for qualifying temporary residents in Canada, there might be waiting periods before provincial health insurance coverage kicks in. These periods can range from a few weeks to several months. During this time, private health insurance is a good option to avoid potential out-of-pocket medical expenses.

Varying Coverage

While public health insurance for temporary residents covers medically necessary services like doctor visits and hospital care, some limitations might exist. Prescription drugs, dental care, and vision care are often excluded. Supplementary private insurance plans or provincial programs might offer additional coverage for these areas, but it's crucial to check with the specific province.

Private Health Insurance for Visitors & Temporary Residents

Private health insurance is crucial for visitors and temporary residents without public health insurance. Here's what you need to know:

Coverage Options

Various private health insurance plans cater to non-citizens in Canada and temporary residents. These plans can offer coverage for a range of services, including:

  • Hospitalization expenses,
  • Physician visits,
  • Ambulance services,
  • Some prescription medications, and
  • Depending on the plan, coverage might extend to dental and vision care.

Factors to Consider

When choosing a private health insurance plan, consider factors such as:

  • Length of Stay: Plans are available for short-term stays (a few weeks) or extended periods (up to a year).
  • Type of Coverage: Choose a plan that covers the services you might need during your stay. Consider factors like pre-existing medical conditions and planned activities that might carry a risk of injury,
  • Cost: Private health insurance plans vary in cost depending on the coverage level and the stay length.

Where to Find Plans

Private health insurance can be obtained through:

  • Travel insurance companies: Many travel insurance plans include medical coverage,
  • Private health insurance providers: Numerous companies such as SunLife, Manulife, and Desjardins offer private health insurance designed for non-citizen visitors to Canada and temporary residents,
  • Employers: Some employers might offer private health insurance plans to their foreign workers.

Emergency Care

Regardless of immigration status, everyone in Canada can access emergency medical care. This includes hospital visits and ambulance services for critical medical situations. However, it's important to understand that emergency care might involve some costs. For instance, some provinces might charge a fee for ambulance services that are not thought to be life-threatening.

What Are the Benefits of Getting Healthcare as a Non-Citizen in Canada?

What Are the Benefits of Getting Healthcare as a Non-Citizen in Canada?

Canada's universal healthcare system, primarily designed for citizens and permanent residents, also significantly benefits non-citizens. Understanding these advantages can help temporary residents make informed decisions about healthcare coverage.

Emergency Care

Regardless of immigration status, everyone in Canada can access emergency medical care. This includes critical situations requiring hospitalization or ambulance services. Knowing you'll receive necessary medical attention during an emergency can be a major stress reliever, especially for those with pre-existing medical conditions.

Partial Coverage

For qualifying non-citizens in Canada, provincial health insurance offers partial coverage for medically necessary services. This can include doctor visits, hospital stays, and some diagnostic tests. While less comprehensive than coverage for citizens, it significantly reduces potential out-of-pocket medical expenses. This benefit is vital for non-citizens in Canada who require ongoing medical care during their stay.

Peace of Mind

One of the most significant benefits is peace of mind. Knowing you have access to medical care, even if unexpected situations arise, provides security. This is particularly true for non-citizen visitors in Canada who might need to become more familiar with the healthcare system in their home country. Having healthcare coverage allows visitors in Canada to focus on enjoying their visit without worrying about potential medical bills.

Public Health Initiatives

Canada also offers various public health initiatives that benefit non-citizens. These include vaccination programs, prenatal care, and public health education campaigns. These initiatives promote overall well-being and can help prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Among the most prominent public health initiatives non-citizens can access in Canada includes:

Incentive for Immigration

Access to quality healthcare is a significant draw for potential immigrants. Knowing they and their families will have access to medical care can make Canada a more attractive destination. This can be particularly relevant for immigrant skilled workers and international students who might be considering permanent residency in the future.

Access to Specialized Care

Canada boasts a well-developed healthcare system with access to specialized care. While public health insurance for non-citizens might not cover everything, it can provide a gateway to this specialized care network. This is crucial for those with pre-existing conditions requiring ongoing treatment from specialists. Private health insurance plans can further bridge coverage gaps, ensuring access to a wider range of specialized care.

Overall Well-being

Access to healthcare, even for non-citizens, contributes to overall well-being. Knowing you can receive timely medical attention encourages preventative care and early intervention for health concerns. This can lead to better health outcomes, increased productivity, and a higher quality of life as a non-citizen Canadian staying in Canada.


What Healthcare Services do Private Plans Cover for Non-citizens?

Private health insurance plans for non-citizens in Canada typically cover a range of healthcare services, including non-emergency medical treatment, prescription medications, dental care, and vision care, depending on the specific plan and coverage options selected.

Can Non-citizens Access Walk-in Clinics or Emergency Care in Canada?

Yes, non-citizens in Canada can access walk-in clinics and emergency care services, regardless of their immigration status. These services provide timely medical treatment for urgent healthcare needs, ensuring that individuals receive appropriate care when faced with sudden illnesses or injuries.

How Much Does Private Health Insurance Cost For Non-citizens in Canada?

The cost of private health insurance for non-citizens in Canada varies depending on the individual's age, health status, coverage needs, and insurance provider. On average, according to Statistics Canada, monthly premiums for private health insurance plans for non-citizens can range from 50 CAD to CAD 200 or more, depending on the extent of coverage and benefits included in the plan.